Tissues that are continually being distorted by a trapped emotion will eventually suffer the effects of it. If you take a magnet and hold it close to an older tube-type television screen or computer monitor, you will see a very visible distortion of the picture. This is because the magnetic field is interfering with the normal flow of electrons within the screen. If you get the magnet too close, or if you leave the magnet there long enough, it will create a permanent distortion and will even ruin the screen!
Trapped emotions affect the body in a similar way. After all, the body is energy and so are trapped emotions. But trapped emotions are a negative energy which will distort the body’s tissues - just as the magnet distorts the picture on the TV screen. If the body's tissues are distorted long-term, then pain and malfunction will be the result. This is why the release of a trapped emotion will often cause immediate relief of discomfort and other symptoms, and possibly the reversal of some diseases.
Do you sense that you might have emotional issues, but don’t know how to get past them?
The Emotion Code has been created to give you new insight, to show you how trapped emotions can cause all kinds of problems, and give you the means to release them. You can take your life back, enjoy better health, and finally be free from the insidious and subtle forces that trapped emotions are exerting upon you.