Sharing stories from happy clients

I have a new sense of hope!
"I can't believe how many years my body has been holding on to these issues. In fact, so deeply that my physical body has musculo-skeletal imbalances because of my emotions and struggles. I know I've seen it in others - forlorn, insecurity, lack of support and so on. I know that's been what has been hindering me. My "thinking mind" was distraught over why after all the things I'm doing for healing and care I was still struggling. Now, since clearing my emotions I have a new sense of hope. What a relief and a profound blessing. I want everyone I know and love to see Barbara so they can heal too." ~ Jennifer F.

Experiencing Miracles
"Barbara is always spot on in her direction and her intuition is sharp and keen. She knows what she’s doing and always makes me feel like I am her only client when she is working with me. I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking to heal as well as clear any blocks holding them back.
I have experienced miracles and healing on levels that I never thought possible. This program brings about changes that occur physically, spiritually, mentally, socially and emotionally and I actually feel changes taking place in my body after my sessions. Heart walls and emotions being cleared are also a huge benefit of these programs that I have experienced as well and because of it I am more open to love and success and endless new possibilities. I know I am on my way to a whole new me." ~ Leslie R.

I'm happier, lighter, and more at peace with who I am!
"I have always known what I wanted in life. I could envision and feel it but never achieve it. I was seeking for inner peace. I wanted to be happy and healthy- mentally, emotionally, and physically. I tried everything and nothing worked. I tried self help books, supplements, meditation, therapy, coaching, detox, and exercise, but I still could not shake the negative energy from my body. This caused a lot of issues for me in my personal and professional life.
It wasn’t until I was introduced to the Emotion Code where I began to take a deeper dive into exploring my energy fields. After working with Barbara for over two months now I am able to start feeling the inner peace I was seeking. Barbara has been able to free me from the things that have been stopping me from achieving what I truly desire. Ever since I began working with her I have felt happier, lighter, and more at peace with who I am. I know I have more work ahead of me but I am willing and able to do the work if it brings me the peace I have been seeking for many years.
Barbara is an amazing individual who has a very special talent. She can help heal others where they need to be healed. She is very professional, knowledgeable and energetic. Barbara is committed to help others free themselves from the chains of their past. It is amazing work and I’m glad I found Barbara. ~ Aimee A.

My right leg pain has miraculously improved!
"I am thrilled with the results of this week’s meeting. The right leg pain has been miraculously improved. Over the past year my leg has become worse. It’s been stiff and ached almost constantly. When I have been sitting for a while, then get up, it would be stiff and I would “hobble” a little until it loosened up. And it just hurt. I felt like I was getting old and did not like it much. The day of the meeting it just felt noticeably improved. Today, a day later, it’s much better again!! It’s stunning really. I have moved around today better than I have for months. It has solidified my testimony of this work." ~ David

His heart health has stabilized!
"Dear Barbara: Thanks so much for your caring about the issues that have caused Esteban's broken health for many years now. He just told me that his high blood pressure has been stable, he has not needed to use pills for chest pain as before. He has been able to walk three blocks without breathing agitation. This is good news. Today I read to him the results given from you last night. He is very excited because you cleared 6 emotions that were affecting his kidneys. We believe with this his kidney soon will work by himself. Thanks to God, I know from him comes all good and He wants that we be happy. Thanks Barbara for your devotion in doing this work." ~ Sara H.
Right ear improvement
"I have noticed the "clicking" noise in my right ear has diminished greatly since my session last Tuesday with you. I was worried that I would have to deal with "tinnitus" as my mother had for over 40 years. ~ Irene

Our family benefited from Barbara's work
"Several of my family members have been the recipients of Barbara Stewart's Emotion Code work. I have watched Barbara at work doing the Emotion Code and I truly believe she has a natural gift for this work. She has also worked diligently to increase this gift or talent and to use it to bless the lives of others. The work she has done for myself and my children has helped us both emotionally and physically. I am grateful for her compassion and her understanding of emotions and how identifying and releasing trapped emotions is so important and life changing." ~ Joann B.

My sick spells ended
"My children and I have been working with Barbara over the past year. I have found her to be very professional in everything we’ve worked on. She is very knowledgeable and competent in the use of the body code program. She is constantly studying and expanding her knowledge. I was having random mysterious sick spells that would cause me to shiver violently and throw up for hours. It was being blamed on my gallbladder and I was seriously considering having surgery to take it out. Barbara was able to get to the core of the problem and release it and I haven’t had one of these spells for a year now. I am so grateful to her for not giving up until she found the underlying issues. I have found Barbara to be a very calm, patient, caring angel who truly cares about the well being of others. This is her calling and she takes her responsibility very seriously. I would highly recommend her gifts, talents and services to those in need. ~ Terri H.

I am happier!
"I am very grateful for what the sessions with Barbara are doing for me. After years of feeling kind of trapped in my Spiritual growth and healing, I am finally feeling that I am moving forward. It was as if I wanted to move forward but my ankle was tied to a rope and in trying to move I could only go a few steps forward and then I would fall down. Now I’m finally feeling untied and free to move forward. There is a part of me that has never felt empowered before but now that has changed and I am getting glimpses of how proud I feel of myself……..I am happier! ~ Gabriela M.

I slept better, was able to focus, and felt more confident
"Barbara has made a significant difference in my life. I had never heard of The Emotion Code nor The Body Code, nor did I understand how it worked. Once she began to release Trapped Emotions, I began to sleep better. I was able to focus, felt more confident and positive in making decisions. As she released Inherited Emotions (Baggage from my parents) I noticed my children also seemed to be happier. Without her assistance I seriously doubt I would have had the strength to pull myself out of a pit of quicksand. She provided the rope for me to crawl out and enjoy my LIFE!" ~ Dorothy G.